So many emotions over the past few weeks. We had much to get ready for my oldest daughter's wedding in California. She had a vision and we (translate Amy) worked with her to execute a plan. So many people came together to support, it was amazing. We made new friends and reconnected with old friends. It was almost perfect.
Now some insight. How do I know coming into the Army, first as a part-time Reservist, then moving to AGR at 47 years old, was a good choice? This young lady was 10 when I decided, with my wife's encouragement, to become an AGR Chaplain. We have moved multiple times, I have been away from them, sometimes for months, and I have worked many weekends. How do I know it was a good choice for the family? The only request she made of me, was to wear my dress uniform ( I really look better in a suit, LOL). The things she wanted in her wedding were symbolic and important to her. She wanted me to wear my dress uniform in her wedding. Kathryn has been impacted by so many things as I have served and she embraces those things. One could argue that she found her husband because of the Army (I was stationed in CA when they met).
I am asked many times how does my Army job impact my family. My answer is that the Army has helped form my family. God has used the crucible of the trials and blessing of my Army career to bring our family together. It is part of who we are. I am a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ who has been called to serve Soldiers in His name. In the Chaplain Corps we say, "Bringing Soldiers to God and God to Soldiers." That identity is shared by my family as they supported me and helped me over my 17 years in the Army.
The Army is part of who we are and will always be part of our history. I am reassured, as I begin my final months in uniform, that the choice was a call from God and a blessing to my family. God has used us as a family to be salt and light for Him. This young lady understands the importance of Army ministry and has been an active part of it for most of her life. BTW, she was a beautiful bride, inside and out!