Harrod, Joseph, 40 Questions about Prayer (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2022)

Joseph Harrod and I went to seminary together and have been friends for twenty years. His insights are always helpful and challenging. When he teaches, I learn truths that impact my life in Christ in profound ways.

This book is valuable for understanding prayer. The selected questions unpack important aspects of prayer in the life of a believer. The presentation style is question and answer as one would expect, however, he adds a summary and reflective questions to each section. These two additions increases both, the usefulness and effectiveness of the text. The reflective questions also add a devotional aspect to reading the text.

Prayer is defined in our society in expansive ways. So expansive are these varying understandings, that a believer can be mislead toward unbiblical concepts. Harrod sheds light and truth onto understanding prayer, thus opposing these unbiblical ideas for the glory of God and edification of the reader.

He has provided a clear primer on basic questions about prayer that is both instructive and devotional. His perspective is thoroughly biblical. His purpose in each answer is to give the reader a wide range of insight that will aid in developing a healthy devotional prayer life. He treats each question with the heart of a pastor, the knowledge of a theologian, and the patience of a teacher. This combination renders a tool that can teach the mind, comfort the soul, and touch the heart.

The text can easily be used in discipleship applications young believers. The most practical section in the book, "Prayer in Practice" contains helpful practical insights that can be easily adapted by the reader. Throughout the text the reader will be encouraged toward further contemplation of each topic.

This book is easy to understand. He provides biblical support for his assertions about prayer. In each answer he provides insight from historical writings and from modern theologians, that bring clarity to each answer. As mentioned already the reflection questions can be helpful for the pastor, counselor, or teacher who wishes to use this text in a discipleship setting. I commend this book for these purposes. Each question provides enough material to use in a weekly group meeting. It would provide a great foundation for a men's or women's group. Also, it could provide accessible and challenging material for a youth Sunday school class. The application for this text are only limited by the imagination of the leader.

Is this text helpful? Is it worthwhile? I have read the entire book and many parts a second time. It has challenged my understanding of prayer. I have learned deep truths as I read and consider his positions. But the biggest determiner of worth in my mind is the impact it has had on my children. My eldest two daughters have read this book and found it helpful and insightful. My sixteen year old is planning on reading it very soon (she has a long reading list). The list of books that engage both my teenagers and myself is short, this book tops the list. It will make a great impact on adults and young people who read it. It should be part of every family's library.